Carpet Damage
Carpet Damage can be a real concern, are you worried that you may have to replace your damaged carpets?
Is your carpet damaged with?
- Burn marks
- Stubborn stains
- Wear marks
- Cigarette burns
- Carpet joins separating
- Frayed edges
- Pet damage
An inexpensive option is to have it repaired, as long as the surrounding carpet is still in good condition and a spare piece of carpet is available, with experience, correct tools and patience the results can be like new.
Often joins in the carpet may come apart from time to time and it takes skill and experience to repair them, we offer a free honest quote on all repair work and can guarantee that our workmanship delivers excellent results.
Frayed edges of carpet near tiles or timber floors in doorways can also be tucked back in again to prevent a trip hazard or further damage to your carpet.
Kool Kleen provides the expertise for all Melbourne Carpet Damage
Please call for a free honest inspection and quote, at a small cost to repair it could save you hundreds: 0418 333 133